Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Art With Friends

A good friend, and amazing Las Vegas artist, is now showing his works in a local non-profit art gallery.
Dinosaur & Roses
Here are some of his supplies and colors he creates with:

I stopped by his studio to visit and he was busy painting a few canvases - we turned up the music, shared some laughs and then I timed him doing a couple different paintings.  The timing of the paintings was more of a fun challenge - but the finished product was still full of love and life.
It was awesome to watch him at work and see a blank canvas literally reshaped into color and life.

This one I called "Colorado"

Here he is reminding me that the painting was completed in 5 minutes!

 And then there was "Sunflower"

I asked him if he would paint "Wind" and he began (and finished) the following:

How fabulous is that??

Visit RuBen at "Studio One" at Dinosaur & Roses and support local artists and small businesses!

More paintings in a few days - I even have a video of a painting - from blank canvas to finished piece that I'll be sharing....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Partial Eclipse of the Sun

And today there was a solar eclipse in Las Vegas.  If you were over in St. George, UT or near Zion National Park - you were in the best location to see the Ring of Fire (100% blockage of the sun) - but in Vegas, the news said it was about 90%.
It definitely got darker a bit earlier than usual and all that shade that the moon created caused the temps to drop a wee bit and I had my two pieces of cardboard outside; letting the sun stream through one, so I could see the progress on the other one.

And then I saw this......

It reminded me of sparkly diamonds - but it was the sunshine streaming through the leaves of the tree.  Since the sun was being blocked by Mr. Moon, the sun appeared to be slivers of light.  So pretty.

Why "The Scorpion Ranch"?

Living in Las Vegas, you just never know what sorts of things will pop up.....
A few months after I moved into my house, a scorpion was discovered in the closet of my guest room!!
Egads, thank goodness my guest was awfully nice about it!!  
3 years later, they still pop up occasionally, but they seem to be mostly gone from the homestead.  (Thank goodness!)  

Friends and relatives have helped me build a collection of scorpion-related items - so I'm always on the hunt for the latest scorpion do-dad.