Dinosaur & Roses
Here are some of his supplies and colors he creates with:
I stopped by his studio to visit and he was busy painting a few canvases - we turned up the music, shared some laughs and then I timed him doing a couple different paintings. The timing of the paintings was more of a fun challenge - but the finished product was still full of love and life.
It was awesome to watch him at work and see a blank canvas literally reshaped into color and life.
This one I called "Colorado"
Here he is reminding me that the painting was completed in 5 minutes!
I asked him if he would paint "Wind" and he began (and finished) the following:
How fabulous is that??
Visit RuBen at "Studio One" at Dinosaur & Roses and support local artists and small businesses!
More paintings in a few days - I even have a video of a painting - from blank canvas to finished piece that I'll be sharing....